Composition of KBC shareholder syndicate following extension of the anchoring agreement.

Composition of KBC shareholder syndicate following extension of the anchoring agreement.

Brussels, 24 December 2024 – 8 a.m.CET

On 29 November 2024, Cera and KBC Ancora – along with MRBB and the Other Stable Shareholders – confirmed that they would extend their agreement to act in concert in relation to KBC Group NV for a further 10 years. This extension of the syndicate agreement officially entered into effect on 1 December. From now on, the aggregate number of shares held by Cera, KBC Ancora, MRBB and the Other Stable Shareholders will represent 41,75% of all KBC Group shares. By making this move, these shareholders will ensure continued shareholder stability and support the further development of the KBC group.

Since its establishment, KBC Group NV has been able to rely on a group of core shareholders that ensures shareholder stability and supports the continued development of the KBC group. To this end, Cera and KBC Ancora, MRBB and the Other Stable Shareholders entered into a syndicate agreement on 23 December 2004 with an initial term of 10 years and extended in 2014. These arrangements were updated in November 2024 and extended for another 10-year period with effect from 1 December 2024.

In that context, Cera, KBC Ancora, MRBB and the Other Stable Shareholders – as indicated on 29 November 2024 – adhered to the shareholder agreement by putting in all their shares. As a result, that agreement now groups 41,75% of all KBC Group NV shares.

Composition of shareholder syndicate (as of 1 December 2024):


Number of shares


KBC Ancora NV



Cera CV






Other Stable Shareholders






press release.pdf 167 KB


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KBC Group
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B - 1080 Brussels