KBC customers discover the convenience of appointment banking

KBC customers discover the convenience of appointment banking

The mandatory corona lockdown in recent weeks has prompted many customers to revise their habits. They are discovering new ways to use financial services - remotely and with equal or even more comfort. At KBC, this translates into a remarkably strong increase in appointment banking and digital contacts.

Corona approach demonstrates comfort of remote banking

KBC, like the other banks, decided in mid-March to make bank branches accessible by appointment only because of the corona virus. At the same time, KBC took a series of physical precautions in bank branches (plexiglass, mouth masks, disinfecting handles, signs, etc.). These measures are still in place today and prove their relevance every day. In this way, KBC can reconcile maximum service to customers with the necessary preventive measures to avoid corona contamination among customers and bank employees.

These prevention efforts resulted in a sharp increase in all customer contacts during the corona lockdown.

  • The number of remote appointments exploded from an average of 750 per month to no less than 35,000 per month.
  • The number of incoming calls from customers to their KBC bank branch grew by 22% to 300,000 per month.
  • The number of electronic communications between customers and a bank employee via the secure environment of KBC Touch/KBC Mobile doubled from 30,000 to 60,000 per month.

At the same time, KBC Live continues to play a crucial supporting role in meeting customer demands - not only during the day, but also outside office hours and on Saturdays. The number of telephone enquiries increased by 22% to an average of 104,000 per month.


Appointment banking still remains the norm

In the coming weeks KBC will continue to apply the principle of appointment banking. Private clients, self-employed persons and business owners clearly experience the comfort of being able to discuss their investment and credit needs with a prepared advisor from home or by appointment at the bank branch, rather than simply entering the branch at an unexpected moment. For the follow-up of practical and administrative matters, it is also easier for clients to make an appointment so that all the necessary documents can be prepared in advance. This leads to time savings and better service, and thus greater customer satisfaction.

Contact us
Stef Leunens Corporate Communication Manager
Stef Leunens Corporate Communication Manager
About KBC Group

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KBC Group
Havenlaan 2
B - 1080 Brussels