KBC/CBC/KBC Brussels customers able to buy Belgian railway tickets soon from Olympus Mobility using KBC Mobile

KBC Mobile app users* have already bought over 15 000 m-tickets for Flemish public transport services provided by De Lijn.

Now they’ll also be able to use the KBC Mobile app to quickly and easily check SNCB train timetables in real time and buy train tickets through Olympus Mobility.

  • Customers can already pay for parking using the app’s 4411 feature introduced in June, and have been able to buy De Lijn m-tickets for Flemish public transport since September of this year. Between 26 September and 22 October, KBC Mobile app users* have already bought over 15 000 m-tickets for Flemish public transport services provided by De Lijn. So far they have paid for over 60 000 parking sessions.
  • Customers will soon be able to check SNCB train services in real time and buy train tickets using the KBC Mobile app. The price of tickets bought by senior citizens, young people or weekend travellers is automatically adjusted to the applicable rate.
  • KBC is providing this service in association with Olympus Mobility. Olympus Mobility develops and manages a mobility platform and app already offered to companies by KBC Autolease and other car leasing companies. It allows users to easily combine various public and other forms of transport (train, tram and bus), car parking (SNCB and street parking facilities) and transport-sharing services (like Velo, Blue-Bike and Cambio). Their app also includes SNCB train services. Olympus Mobility’s current shareholders are VAB, Taxistop and Cambio CarSharing.
  • KBC’ customers don’t need to install an additional app to buy Belgian railway tickets  but can do so right from the KBC Mobile app. End of September over a million people used KBC Mobile.


Karin Van Hoecke, KBC’s general manager for digital transformation sums it up:We aim to maintain our leading role as a financial services provider and to continue giving our customers the best possible user experience by providing additional, value-added services. This includes adopting an open approach to partnerships both in and beyond our industry in order to encourage innovation and develop new, customer-friendly services together.

We’re thrilled with yet another financial institution first in offering our customers such a frequently used service through our Mobile app. They’re already using KBC Mobile’s existing De Lijn public transport and 4411 parking ticket features with great enthusiasm, so we’re delighted to add SNCB train tickets to that list. We’re once again making it even easier and more accessible for our customers to use public transport, right from an app they’re now familiar with. Our ultimate goal is to enable them to use our mobile banking app for other day-to-day things in life – without having to clutter up their phones with multiple apps. Making their life easier is what it’s all about.’


*KBC, CBC and KBC Brussels customers


For more information, please contact:

Viviane Huybrecht, General Manager of Corporate Communication/KBC Group Spokesperson

Tel.: + 32 2 429 85 45 | E-mail: pressofficekbc@kbc.be


Koen Van De Putte, Managing Director, Olympus Mobility
Tel.: + 32 478 48 03 80 – E-mail: koen.vandeputte@olympus-mobility.com


Dimitri Temmerman, SNCB Spokesperson

Tel.: + 32 2 528 84 84 | (911) 884 84 | + 32 499 54 31 43 – E-mail: dimitri.temmerman@nmbs.be

Contact us
Viviane Huybrecht General Manager KBC Corporate Communication / Spokesperson
Viviane Huybrecht General Manager KBC Corporate Communication / Spokesperson
About KBC Group

In case of doubt or discussion about the content of these press releases, the version published on https://www.kbc.com/en/press-releases counts as the only reference.

KBC Group
Havenlaan 2
B - 1080 Brussels